16 OCT 2023

In this report, we employ Cohen’s d, a powerful statistical tool for measuring effect sizes, to enrich our analysis of the police shootings dataset. Cohen’s d is instrumental in gauging the practical significance of various factors within the context of lethal force incidents involving law enforcement officers. Through the application of Cohen’s d, we delve deeper into understanding how demographic disparities, armed status, mental health, threat levels, body camera usage, and geographic factors influence the likelihood of these incidents.

Cohen’s d facilitates the quantification of the magnitude of differences between groups or conditions within the dataset. This goes beyond mere statistical significance and allows us to grasp the tangible and real-world implications of these factors in police shootings. It empowers us to move beyond simplistic binary comparisons and comprehend the nuanced dynamics at play. We can examine the influence of demographics and how individuals of different age groups, genders, and racial backgrounds are affected by lethal force incidents, shedding light on potential disparities and their practical relevance.

Furthermore, by calculating Cohen’s d, we can assess the practical importance of factors like armed status and signs of mental illness in determining the likelihood of individuals being shot by law enforcement. This approach provides a holistic perspective, aiding in the identification of meaningful patterns and significant variables that influence these incidents.

In conclusion, by embracing Cohen’s d as a fundamental analytical tool in this report, we gain an enriched and multifaceted perspective of the police shootings dataset. It empowers us to delve deeper into the multifaceted dynamics at play in these incidents, transcending mere statistical significance and providing insights into the real-world implications of demographic, situational, and geographic variables in law enforcement activities. This approach paves the way for a more holistic understanding of the intricate patterns and multifaceted variables shaping the occurrence of lethal force incidents involving law enforcement officers.

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